reaching new heights
Everest is the first theoretical and practical research initiative to take a multicultural and gender specific perspective in answering the question: How are women executives effective at leading change and innovation in their companies?
In an era of hyper transformation and disruption, executives who can lead their companies in significant change and innovation deliver great value, and position themselves for top leadership.
The Everest Project will interview 150 of some of the most senior women executives from Fortune 500 corporations across a spectrum of five affinity groups – Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ, Pan Asian and White. This seminal work will provide theoretical and practical insights into how the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, and sexual orientation influences women as leaders of change and innovation.
The research will answer these questions:
- What experiences do women executives have in leading change and innovation?
- How do other executives perceive women as change agents?
- What are the individual and organizational factors that impede and facilitate women’s change efforts?
- What impact does race, gender and sexual orientation have on women leading change and innovation?
Actionable outcomes of the research:
Retention & Promotion
Identify factors in corporations that advance the retention and promotion of women
Maximize the influence and effectiveness of women executives
Shareholder Value
Increase the impact that women leaders have on the bottom line
In 2007, the Black Women Executives Research Initiative broke new ground and delivered pioneering research that set the bar for how corporations champion, develop and support women executives.
“Leading transformational change was identified as a significant C-Suite skill in this research,” said Pamela Carlton, the author of a report on the initiative's findings, and The Everest Project co-founder. The Everest Project was launched to build on and expand the findings to include all women.
To read more about the findings of this research, please fill out the form to the right.
The Everest Project is a brave new voice for women and their companies. We are collecting stories of multicultural women and witnessing what works as they strive and thrive as leaders of change and innovation. Their companies will learn and grow to break new ground now and into the future.
Download the Original Research Findings:
The Everest Project has partnered with leading affinity-based professional organizations to provide thought leadership and to identify senior level women for the study.
You and your company can get involved by volunteering women to participate in the study, request a focus group or speech, and with financial support.